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What people are saying...

Eric Loader / Elation

This show is Great! I listen every week on my treadmill and find it quite enjoyable. I’ve actually learned something too!!   

David Milly / TLS / 4-Wall

Keep it up, you guys really have something here  

John Wiseman / PRG

  • Really happy to see you’ve come up with this. I think it’s got great value to the industry and you’ll be very successful  

Richard Cadena

I’ve been in the entertainment lighting industry since DMX was new, which officially qualifies me as a geezer. In the early days, we had to rely on word of mouth for most of our information about the industry. Geezers of Gear is now my go-to source for all kinds of information from all kinds of people in the industry. Marcel has really honed his interviewing chops over the years and he does a great job of talking about the things I want to know from the guests. And being a guest on the show feels no different than having an intimate conversation with a good friend. If you aren’t already dialed in to Geezers of Gear, you’re missing out.

Seth Jackson / LD

Just getting into it while I work out... aside from the parts where I lose my stride from laughing so hard, I absolutely LOVE this podcast. Keep it up guys.  Our crazy little business has a great history that needs to be remembered.... well, most of it   

Paul Vincent

Thank you for having me on your podcast recently and for spending some quality time with me!  Grazers of Gear provides an interesting and important message to members of the entertainment community, and beyond through your peer group approach, sharing useful insights from experienced professionals.  Thanks again for doing this work and sharing the results with our industry colleagues.

Lori Rubinstein

It’s great that Geezers of Gear is capturing so many wonderful stories about the history of our industry, but also importantly that they are helping to care for our colleagues in need by providing information on the industry's charities, the services we provide, and how people can support us to ensure the caring continues.

Neel Vasavada

Joining Geezers Of Gear with Marcel was a fantastic experience. Marcel brings a deep understanding of the concert industry and asks the kind of questions that get right to the heart of the matter.I thoroughly enjoyed discussing Overdrive Energy Solutions with him, and recommend Geezers Of Gear to anyone serious about understanding the future of our industry.

Steve Warren

Although I had equal feelings of pride, apprehension and hesitation when asked to feature on Geezers of Gear by Marcel and Sarah, I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed the frank and lively chat. Marcel is masterful in keeping the conversation entertaining and fun and I would recommend that anyone asked should reply with a very positive YES PLEASE!

Joe Cole

Being a guest on Geezers of Gear is like going to LDI, and having one of those nice long conversations about industry stuff that your wife never wants to talk about, but without the crowds, the airport and the hotel.    Sadly without the free bar, but nothing in life is perfect.

Chris Lisle

I had a great time on the Geezers of Gear podcast. It was very well organized, and the conversation was fun and kept rolling along at a great pace. It is a great platform for sure!

Jeff Cranfill

I can never thank you enough for recognizing myself and what I have worked so hard to accomplish over many years.

Ola Melzig

I just love the podcasts on Geezers of Gear. All of them are done with very relevant professionals in our trade and produced in a warm and relaxing way.

I find them highly educational and entertaining.

Emily Bornt

When Marcel reached out about being a guest on the Geezers Of Gear podcast, I couldn’t say anything but “yes”. It’s a really fun series that not only lets me hear my friends and colleagues tell stories and share opinions, but it also helps introduce me to some folks I didn't know. I love the casual environment and conversations, and that it isn’t always industry-specific, but about the people and the experiences. It’s a refreshingly organic approach to hearing from a variety of really talented people in our industry, and is always something fun to tune in to.

Dizzy Gosnell

The longer this journey that we used to call ‘rock n roll touring’ gets, the more of us drop off the wrong end of the conveyor belt of life; and the more stories, knowledge, and experiences  disappear with them.


Knowing where the touring industry came from and how it got to this point from the dozens of people who have been interviewed on GoG does make fascinating listening.  Even hearing some of the war stories from us old bastards … dangling by your ankles from the truss trying to straighten an ACL bulb, still lit, while you’re focusing (without a harness of course) are worth knowing on things NOT to do now.


Geezers has been a very interesting project and a lot of work has been put into it by Marcel, Sarah and others, and they deserve a ton of credit for putting it all together.

Jean Lariviere

Marcel is one of a kind! Truly a fun experience from beginning to end. I love the format and the fact that we can talk about practically anything. I enjoy listening to geezers of gear. It's one of my favorite podcasts!

Todd Roberts / formerly Visions Lighting

I think your podcasts are amazing. I must have been living under a rock to not know about them. I had lunch with a friend on Friday and he turned me onto Geezers of Gear. I have been binge listening all weekend. Thanks and keep up the good work   

Ben Balchin / GSE

What great stories of music, production and rock and roll. I would 100% recommend listening to this   

Become a guest


  1. Are you interesting? 

  2. Do you have some great stories that our listeners will laugh, cry or learn from?

  3. Have you been in the sound, lighting, video or staging business for ages? 

  4. Do you have a business or career that could use some promotion? Our guests have been enjoying boosts in their stock once on the show. It’s true!! 

  5. We currently record every Wednesday and Thursday (and can make exceptions to meet less flexible schedules)

  6. The show is recorded (not live) and is very low stress, casual and FUN! 


Be Heard (not herd… get it?)


Contact: for more information

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